Team Building for Leaders - Custom made for leadership - blending cultural and spiritual traditions in a modernized world. Includes team building, roles and responsibilities, conflict management, communication, planning and goal setting.
Back to Our Roots - Essential Skills grounded in traditional learning. Using our many senses to remember what we inherently know but may have forgotten. Visual and tactile ways of working together, collaborative and interactive activities as a holistic approach to remembering who we are and building from our roots what is most important to us and becoming the powerful beings that we are.
Rise Up - Be Your Best Self - This fun interactive workshop focuses on nurturing and rejuvenating the mind, body and spirit. In order to be of service to others we must first take care of ourselves in kind and caring ways. This workshop adds cultural and spiritual teachings to enable us to feel free to rise up, remember our power and take aligned action towards our goals and dreams.
"Being" on Purpose: Know Who You Are ~~ Do What You Love - Exploration of how we show up in the world and how that can reveal what our true life purpose is. Creating space to allow true passions to emerge and form and actualize.
Custom workshops are available to fit your specific needs!!
Back to Our Roots - Essential Skills grounded in traditional learning. Using our many senses to remember what we inherently know but may have forgotten. Visual and tactile ways of working together, collaborative and interactive activities as a holistic approach to remembering who we are and building from our roots what is most important to us and becoming the powerful beings that we are.
Rise Up - Be Your Best Self - This fun interactive workshop focuses on nurturing and rejuvenating the mind, body and spirit. In order to be of service to others we must first take care of ourselves in kind and caring ways. This workshop adds cultural and spiritual teachings to enable us to feel free to rise up, remember our power and take aligned action towards our goals and dreams.
"Being" on Purpose: Know Who You Are ~~ Do What You Love - Exploration of how we show up in the world and how that can reveal what our true life purpose is. Creating space to allow true passions to emerge and form and actualize.
Custom workshops are available to fit your specific needs!!
Patricia's facilitation was tailored to our leadership needs and blended our traditional customs and culture. Her facilitation was of the highest professional standards that I would recommend to First Nations leadership. I am extremely grateful to have had an opportunity to learn from and work with Patricia. Jason Louie; Chief - Lower Kootenay Band
Patricia's facilitation was tailored to our leadership needs and blended our traditional customs and culture. Her facilitation was of the highest professional standards that I would recommend to First Nations leadership. I am extremely grateful to have had an opportunity to learn from and work with Patricia. Jason Louie; Chief - Lower Kootenay Band
Photo from Elderberry Arts